Powerful quotes etc.

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Aangesloten: 17 Okt 2009
Ingediend door DN op Woe, 09/06/2010 - 17:42.

Op mijn prikbord hangen er tussen de trainingsschema's en anatomietekeningen een aantal krachtige citaten, teksten die herinneringen bij me oproepen of voor bepaalde waarden in mijn leven staan. Hieronder volgt een allegaartje, misschien kennen jullie andere voorbeelden. Die kunnen hier opgenoemd worden. Als dit topic geen goed idee lijkt, sluiten jullie het maar.


There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength.
The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you’re a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.
Henry Rollins

Baby mammals drink milk, and you sir, are a baby mammal.

Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Marine Corps

How much do I need to eat?
1) More
2) There is an old business adage, “don’t dress for a job you have; dress for the job you want.” Apply this to your eating. If you want to be 215, you need to eat for 215, not for your 165 pound sprint-Tri doing self. You won’t get 70’s Big by pushing bird seed around your plate at your local hippy bistro. Start with 125-150% of what you’re eating now and see how that goes for a couple weeks.
70's Big

En dit: Sticking out tongue
The human body is a facinating organism. It can withstand the most brutal injury... and yet repair itself miraculously. But you know this all too well. How many broken bones have you suffered at the hands of your husband? How many flesh wounds have you endured? With time, the bruises have healed, but your pain has not. Today, I empower you to take control of your life. Can you disconnect from the one thing that has brought you and others so much pain? With time, your wounds will heal. His, however, will not. Remove the ties that bind or bleed to death from your inactivity. The choice is yours.
Saw IV


Poor form in the gym is caused by insufficient yelling. ~ Rippetoe

Ik ben trouwens ook een

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Aangesloten: 22 Jan 2009

Luister even naar zijn versie van de pomp Eye-wink

Ik ben trouwens ook een Saw fan, heb tot zover van elk deel genoten.

Coming of cumming day and

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Punten: 3798
Aangesloten: 17 Okt 2009

Coming of cumming day and night? Sticking out tongue


Poor form in the gym is caused by insufficient yelling. ~ Rippetoe

Zo grappig dat je er

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Punten: 9360
Aangesloten: 28 Dec 2008

Zo grappig dat je er buikpijn van krijgt. Rip kan wijsheid overbrengen op de meest hilarische manier.

De sterken doen wat ze

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Aangesloten: 29 Mei 2006

De sterken doen wat ze kunnen, de zwakke ervaren wat ze moeten. (vrij vertaald)


the only thing that separates the elite from all the rest, is the fact that the elite are better at the basics than everyone else

vond ik altijd een goeie...

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Aangesloten: 02 Jan 2008

vond ik altijd een goeie...


Yeah, you don't need to go hard. You can stay in the middle, take some supplements here and there, change your program every other week and stay absolutely the same as you are now. But that's bullshit.

It's not the size of the

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Punten: 1596
Aangesloten: 03 Mrt 2005

It's not the size of the car, it's the size of the arm leaning out of the window that matters.


Buy my art

Dat past hier wel bij:

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Punten: 9793
Aangesloten: 27 Mrt 2007

Dat past hier wel bij: http://www.bstrong.net/node/3300


Carpe diem